لكم يا آل زلفو
بصيرتى منكم .. أتنفسكم
وأحب من يحبكم
Zulfos, all generations!
This blog is a space for you & your beloved ones because I love whom you love!
I had the idea when a sudden flash came into my mind: Zulfo's name should exist reflecting such a good family with pretty members like you.
Share with me this pride of being a Zulfo & their beloved ones. Put your feelings, creations & imagination in words whether in Arabic or English [although I am crazy for arabic poems & you will notice those]
I'll be waiting to see your writing talents, shared ideas, comments & replies.
Also, feel free to criticize my poems and if you need any explanation, I will be ready for that.
Let's make it a green area for love without which we can not exist.